ࡱ> <@9:;M bjbjd&d& .LGiLGi*` ` 8>T "@@@///$m.//..@@555555..@@55.5555ZH@p 1\14Զzx0 N!4!!p/^!55&)F///4/// ....!/////////` X : Charles Wood Manuscripts Envelope 1 St Mark Passion. Score bound original manuscript. Draft and original letter by Mr E. Milner-White detailing a request to Mr Wood for the composition of a passion of Christ according to St Mark to be sung at Kings College. The letter details possible ideas for the composition structure. Envelope 2 20 pages of musical manuscript in draft form. Envelope 3 Variations on an Irish Folk Tune. Score and instrumental parts for violin I and II, viola and cello. Dated August 25th 1916, Cambridge. Envelope 4 String Quartet in A minor. Four movements. Score and instrumental parts. Cambridge, no date. Envelope 5 String Quartet in G minor. One movement only including a variation-incomplete. Score only. Later addition of estimated date 1916 or 1917. String Quartet in Eb. Four Movements. Score and instrumental parts. Dated April to October 1892, Highgate and Cambridge. Envelope 6 String Quartet in F. Four movements. Score Only. Cambridge, later addition of estimated date 1915-1918. String Quartet in Eb. Four Movements. Score and instrumental parts. Dated 1912. [Harrogate?]. Envelope 7 String Quartet in D Major (no 5). Four movements. No date or location. Envelope 8 String Quartet in D minor. Four movements. Score and Instrumental parts-not clearly organised. Dated 1885. No location. Envelope 9 Iphigenia. Numbered 1 (prelude) to 10 (final chorus). Vocal score. No date or location. Envelope 10 The Ion of Euripides. Bound score. Dated November 4th 1890, Cambridge. Envelope 11 The Ion of Euripides. 6 orchestral parts: string. Dated 1890. No location. Envelope 12 The Ion of Euripides. 7 orchestral parts: woodwind, brass, percussion. 1 vocal part: Descant boys. Dated 1890. No location Envelope 13 Piano concerto. Score. Dated 1886. No location. Envelope 14 Piano concerto. 21 orchestral parts: string, woodwind, brass and percussion. Dated 1886. No location. Envelope 15 Sonata in G for violin and pianoforte. 2 movements. Score and violin part. Dated 19th July 1886. No location. Variation and Fugue on a theme by Beethoven for pianoforte. 11 variations and fugue. Piano score. Dated July 1884. No location. Cavatina for violin and piano. Score. No date or location. Envelope 16 The Song of the Heather for tenor solo and chorus. Score for piano and voice. Cambridge, no date. Note: labelled Boosey 1927. On Time: ode for chorus, orchestra and organ. Score. Cambridge, no date. Note: words by John Milton. Chorus of Eden spirits from A Drama of Exile by Elizabeth Barrett Browning set to music by Charles Wood. Score for pianoforte and voice. No date or location. The Ballad of Dundee. Score for solo bass, chorus and orchestra. No date or location. Envelope 17 Music: An Ode from a poem by A. C. Swinburne set to music for soprano solo, chorus and orchestra by Charles Wood. Full score bound and vocal part. No date or location. Envelope 18 Song of the Tempest. Orchestral score with voice, bound. Dated June 14th 1902, Cambridge. Envelope 19 Springs Summons Cantata. Bound orchestral score with voice. Dated 20th August 1885. No location. Note: words by A.P. Graves Envelope 20 Springs Summons Cantata. Orchestral parts. Envelope 21 Springs Summons Cantata. Vocal parts. Envelope 22 Springs Summons Cantata. Vocal parts. Envelope 23 Sailors Song. Score for male voice and pianoforte and parts for 20 bass and 10 tenors. No date or location. Note: words by S. Dobell. Envelope 24 The Family Party from Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens). Score and original sketches. No date or location. Envelope 25 Pat in Fairyland. Score. No date or location. Written notes on stage direction for opera. Envelope 26 Organ Concerto in F. Parts for string (no organ part or score). No date or location. Envelope 27 Three preludes founded in melodies from the German Psalter: Psalm XII, Song of Symeon and Psalm XXIV. Score for Organ. No date or location. Note: written notes detail as part of organ library no 24. Variations and fugue on the psalm tune Winchester, Old. Score for organ. No date or location. Note: written notes detail as part of organ library no. 23. Two organ pieces (named Bouree and Gigue). Score for organ. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.B.P.1916 Envelope 28 Psalm 104. Score for voice and orchestra, bound. Dated 7th February 1887, London. Note: the words are selected from the 104th psalm. Envelope 29. Church Music Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Magnificat from the Psalter of Sternhold and Hopkins founded on the melodies of psalm LXXVII and XIIV. Vocal score. Dated November 23rd 1918. No location. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1920 Nunc Dimittis from the Psalter of Sternhold and Hopkins. Vocal score. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1920. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in Ab. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.B.P 1915. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in Eb. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.B.P 1927. Nunc Dimittis for six voices I, II (in C) and III. Vocal score. Dated 16th October 1916, Cambridge. Magnificat Tone IV and Nunc Dimittis Tone I. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.P.B 1923 Magnificat Tone VI and Nunc Dimittis Tone V. Vocal and organ parts. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.B.P 1911. Magnificat Tone V and Nunc Dimittis Tone VI. Vocal and organ parts. No date or location. No title, words of Magnificat. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. No title, words of Magnificat. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Magnificat. Vocal score with organ accompaniment (in poor condition). No date or location. Note: labelled copyright 1895. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis founded on the melodies of these canticles in the Psalter of Sternhold and Hopkins. Vocal score. No date or location. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis founded on the melody for psalm CIV in the Genevan Psalter. No date or location. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis founded on the melody Bene Quondam Dociles from Piae Cantiones. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: labelled S. and Bs. Library of Modern Church Music No.2, 1908. 15.b. Nunc Dimittis in Bb. Vocal score. Dated 25th March 1916. Envelope 30. Church Music Communion service settings Communion service in C. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: labelled O.U. Press, May 1927 Communion Service in F Ionian Mode. Vocal Score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, Pater Noster and Gloria. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Kyrie Eleison, Credo and Corda. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. The Service of Holy Communion in Eb. Vocal part for bass. No date or location. Benedictus Tone VII. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Introit. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: labelled Bishop Heber and Y.P.B 1927. Envelope 31. Church Music Anthems Anthem Summer Ended. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: words by Greville Phillimore. Includes details of a harvest festival on October 14th 1917 at Heatherdown School, Ascot for which it is implied the piece was written. Anthem I will call upon God for mens voice. Vocal score. No date or location. Note: includes editorial/publishing notes on score. Anthem O Lord, thou seest from your starry height. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: words translated from the Spanish. Labelled Y.P.B 1919. Anthem Sunlight all Golden for treble voices. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. Dated April 6th 1918, no location. Note: words by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676). Translated by G.R. Woodward. Labelled Y.B.P 1918. Anthem O Thou the Central Orb. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.B.P 1915. Anthem Hail Gladdening Light. Vocal score and sketches for motet double choir with organ accompaniment. No date or location. Note: words translated by John Keble. Labelled Y.B.P 1919. Envelope 32. Church music Miscellaneous No title, first phrase: Great Lord of Lords, supreme immortal King. Vocal score. No date or location. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1913. Canon for alto, tenor and bass based on words of Psalm LV, v. 17. Vocal score. Dated 1905, Cambridge. No title, first phrase: The eyes of the lord are over the righteous. Vocal score. No date or location. No title, first phrase: Christ who knows all his sheep will all in safety keep. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. Cambridge, no date. Note: headed In Songs of praise O.U. Press 1925. Ascension Hymn. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. Dated 1913, no location. Note: labelled in 1927 as being changed to Who through the be[---?] vale published by S. B 1927 in Church Choir Library 319. Words by A.P. Graves. An Easter Carol. Vocal score. Dated April 1917, no location. Note: labelled Y.B.P 1925. Hymn Glorious and Powerful God. Vocal score with organ accompaniment, vocal part. Dated September 18th 1910, no location. Hymn. No title, first phrase: O beauteous God. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. Dated 2nd June 1898, no location. Note: signed Jeremy Taylor. Labelled Novello 1898. Irish Carol Mater Ora Filium. Vocal Score and string, flute parts. No date or location. Note: arrangement by J. Rogers for Sidney Sussex College Cambridge, Christmas 1925, with note detailing this. Envelope 33. Church Music Hymns (Roman numerals preserved from previous numbering system) I. A charge to keep I have. Words (Charles Wesley) and score. II. Herz liebster Jesu. Words (Herrmann) and score. III. Come let us sound with melody the praises. Words and score. IV. Darkening night the land doth cover. Words and score. V. Eternal God we look to thee. Words and score. VI. For all thy saints O Lord. Words and score. VII. For the Beauty of the Earth. Words (F. S Pierpoint) and score. VIII. From all that dwell below the skies. Words and score. IX. God of our Fathers, known of old. Words (R. Kipling) and score. X. Grant us the wings of faith to rise. Words and score. XI. Happy are they that love god. Words (C. Coffin) and score. XII. In the hour of my distress. Words (Herrick) and score. XIII. In the hour of my trial. Words and score. XIV. Jesu, Geh Voran. Words and score. XV. Score only. XVI. Lord of Mercy and Might. Words and score. XVII. Love of love and light of light. Words (Yattenden Hymnal) and score. XIX. Love unto thine own who camest condescending. Words (Yattenden Hymnal) and score. XX. My soul praise the Lord. Words (Yattendon Hymnal, psalm CIV) and score. XXI. Words only. XXIII. O Brightness of the eternal fathers face. Words and score. XXIV. O King of kings before whose throne. Words ( J. Quarles and T. Darling) and score XXV. Splendor Paternae Gloriae. Words and score. XXVI. Oh lord turn not thy face away from that lowly lie. Words (Prys psalter) and score XXVII. Oh saviour is thy promise fled? Words (R. Heber) and score. XXVIII. Once to every man and nation. Words ( J. Russell Lowell) and score. XXIX. Out of my souls depth to thee my cryes have sounded. Words and score. XXX. Lobe den Herren. Words and score. XXXI. Strong son of God, Immortal Love. Words (Tennyson) and score. XXXII. Score only. XXXIII. Summer suns are glowing. Words and score. XXXIV. Sunset and Evening Star. Words (Tennyson) and score. XXXV. The Lord my pasture shall prepare. Words (Addison) and score. XXXVI. The heaven of heavens cannot contain. Words and score. XXXVII. The spacious firmament on high. Words (Addison) and score. XXXVIII. The saint who first found grace to pen. Words (Houseman) and score. XXXIX. Nun rupen alle walder. Words (Gerhardt) and score. XL. Primo Dierum Omnium. Words (St Gregory, Yattendon hymnal) and score. XLI. View me Lord, a worke of thine. Words (Campion) and score. XLII. Ye servants of God. Words and score. Envelope 34. Church Music Miscellaneous Jesu, Son of God the Father Syon 345. Vocal score. Note: arranged by C. Wood. If thou Wouldst be partaker Syon 403. Vocal sore. Note: arranged by C. Wood. Jesu, King of ages Syon 339. Note: arranged by C. Wood Syon 410. Vocal score. Songs of Syon 193 A. Vocal score (half a page only) Half a page of musical manuscript on which is written for hymn 51 by request of GRW. A collection of correspondence including: i. Two letters from H. F. W. Deane and Sons referring to the publishing of hymns. Dated 1930 and 1931. ii. Correspondence from a Mr Woodward referring to an arrangement of Angelus ad virginem, Adeste fideles, and two French Paroissiens tunes harmonised by C. Wood. Envelope 35. Songs Who is Silvia. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated January 22nd 1891, Cambridge. Note: words by Shakespeare. The Crucifixion. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date or location. Note: words A.P Graves from the Irish. Arranged by C. Wood. One Morning in May. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date or location. A Christmas Carol. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date or location. Note: Translated by ---?, labelled Y.B.P. 1924. The enchanted Valley. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves The Dream of ²ʿ. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: signed also Thomas Moore, Y.P.B. 1921, Irish folk song. I have a clock. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.P.B. 1925 Trees. Vocal Score with piano accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1926. Song of the Sea. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1926 A Visit From The Sea. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.B.P.1911, words by R.L. Stevenson. From Underwoods by permission of Messzo, Chatto and Windus. The peaceful Western Wind. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by T. Campion, labelled Y.B.P. 1918. The Onset. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by B. Cornwall, labelled Y.B.P.1915 Song Does the Road wind up the hill all the way. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated June 5th 1886. Note: words by C. Rossetti. Song II Why so pale and wan fond lover. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated July 22nd 1891, Cambridge. Note: Words by Sir Suckling (1608-1641) Song III How can the tree but waste and wither away. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated July 20th 1891, Cambridge. Note: words by Lord Vaux (1576). Song IV Ah! Robin! Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated July 19th 1891, Cambridge. Note: words by Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542). The Windflower. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 1890, Cambridge. Note: words by Harold Boulton. O Captain! My Captain! Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 1898, Cambridge. Note: words by W Whitman. At the mid hour of night. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 8th June 1886. Note: words by Thomas Moore. Song She will not drink the blood red wine. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.B.P.1909. The splendour falls. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated January 1886. Note: words by Tennyson. Song Ask me no more. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 21st Septmeber 1886. Note: words by Tennyson. Echo. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 27th September 1886. Note: words by C. Rossetti. At the mid hours of the night. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 8th June 1886. Note: words by Thomas Moore. Ethiopia saluting the colours. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 28th February 1898. Note: words by Walt Whitman. The Holly and the Ivy Girl. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1916, tune is Oh fair John my love an Irish folk song arranged by C Wood. Words by J. Keegan. Gipsy Song. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1915. Words by Ben Jonson. Gipsy Benediction. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.P.B.1915. Words by Ben Jonson. Song I have twelve oxen and they be fair and brown. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y.B.P. 1916. Words anon from the 15th century. Song When after the Winter. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. I was wishful hed stay. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated December 20th 1897, Cambridge. Note: words by A.P.Graves. Envelope 36. Songs An envelope labelled Songs in the book of Irish Folk Songs contains Love at my heart. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves Copy 2 of Love at my heart. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. Air Daniel the Worthy arr. by C. Wood. The Brave Irish Lad. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. Air The brave Irish Lad arr. by C. Wood. Over There. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words A.P Graves. Air Over There arr. by C. Wood. The Blackberry Blossom. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. Air The Blackberry Blossom arr. by C. Wood. Beside the River Loune. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A P Graves. Air Beside the River Loune arr. by C. Wood. Im the boy for bewitching them. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. Air Im the boy arr. by C. Wood. Darby Kelly. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. 15th June 1895, Cambridge. Note: words by A.P. Graves. Air Darby Kelly arr. by C. Wood. The Jug of punch. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. 19th June 1895, Cambridge. Note: A.P. Graves. Air The robber arr. by C. Wood. The Song of Niamh of the golden tresses. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment No Date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air The song of Niamh arr. by C. Wood. They know not my heart. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air Coolon Das arr. by C. Wood. O Love, tis a calm starry night. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air O love tis a cold starry night arr. by C. Wood. The Sentry Box. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air The Sentry Box arr. by C. Wood. The Magic Mist. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air The Magic Mist arr. by C. Wood. Id roam the world over with you. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air Id roam the world over with you arr. by C. Wood. The Lost Child. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air (name unkown) arr. by Charles Wood. With the lark up above. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air For I had a spirit above my degree arr. by C. Wood. Gredhas lament for Cail. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air A little hour before day arr. by C. Wood. Come sit down beside me. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: A.P. Graves. Air Connemara Air arr. by C. Wood. The Kerry Cow. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note A.P. Graves. Air The Kerry Cow arr. by C. Wood. Two letters from Boosey and Co. detailing the return of the manuscripts and an envelope addressed to Mrs Wood. Envelope 37. Songs On the camp Hill, Hastings. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words Thomas Campbell. Through the Twilight. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 31st October 1889 or 1887? Note: words by Alexander Grant. Roll up. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by W.M.L. Hutchinson. The monsters at Mous. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: Words by A.P. Graves. Song of Thekla. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 13th August 1885. Note: from Schillers Piccolomini, translated by S.T. Coleridge. Youth and Age. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 10th June 1889? Note: words by S.J. Coleridge. A summers wish. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 10th October 1889? Note: words by C. Rossetti. Alas, so long! Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 10th October 1889. Note: words by D.G. Rossetti. The maid of heidpath. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 1st March 1888, Cambridge. Note: words Sir W. Scott. Song Does the road wind up the hill all the way. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated June 5th 1886. Note: words by C. Rossetti. Song As oer her loom. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 12th Sept 1884. Note: words by Moore. Oh! Skylark for thy wing. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 7th January 1884. Note: words by Hemans. Bright are the skies above me. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 21st September 1885. Note: words by Lord Beacrusfield. Bright are the skies above me. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 29th June 1886. Note: words by Lord Beacrusfield. My own lake of lakes. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. Had I a Cave. Score for orchestra and voice. Dated 1885. Note: words by Burns. Envelope 38. Songs Resignation. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A. Procter. Had I a cave. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated June 30th 1890, Highgate. Note: words by Burns. Lament of an Irish mother over her son. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated June 30th 1890, Highgate. Note: words by Hemans. Up-Hill. Two scores, one for orchestra and one for voice and pianoforte. No date. Note: words by C. Rossetti. Song Does the road wind up hill all the way Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by C. Rossetti. Boys. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by W. Letts. They are all gone into the world of light. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment Dated April 9th 1888, Armagh. Note: words by H. Vaughan. The Death of Clannonald. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment No date. Note: words by Felicia Hemans. The new Guy Faukes. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. The marriage in may. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. I may. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by A.P. Graves. The outlaw of Loch Lene. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated Dec 17th 1898. Note: words translated from the Irish by Callaman. Rosen Dhu (Little Black Rose). Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment, incomplete. No date. Note: words translated from the Irish by T. Furlong. The Splendour Falls. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated January 1886. Note: words by Tennyson. Ask me no more. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 21st September 1886. Note: words by Tennyson. Fortune and her wheel. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Tennyson. At the mid hour of night. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Thomas Moore. Dedication to princess of Wales (incomplete - ripped). Echo. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 27th September 1886. Note: words by C. Rossetti. Goldtherds song. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 26th June 1886. Note: words by Sir W. Scott. From Kenilworth. The Hour and the ghost. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 31st October 1889. Note: words by C. Rosetti. Two letters and a list regarding the songs. Envelope 39 Piano Trio in D Major. Score and parts. No date. Piano Trio in D Minor. Score. No date. Piano Trio in A. Score. No date. Sonata for cello and pianoforte in G. Score and parts. Dated July 1884. Score for violin, cello and piano. Letters regarding the publishing of the cello sonata. Envelope 40 Two, three part inventions by Bach arr. for two violins and an organ by C. Wood. Score and parts. No date. Envelope 41. Part Songs A Centurys Penultimate. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated July 14th 1899, Cambridge. Note: words by A. James. Come Lasses and lads. Vocal score with orchestral accompaniment. Dated 21st July 1913. Note: labelled Y.B. P 1925. Song Life and follies are fading away. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words from Talhaiarin. Tune David of the white rock. Welsh air arr. by C. Wood. How sweet the tuneful bells. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 1906. Note: words by W. Bowles. Hay makers, rakers. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Thomas Dekken. Full Fathom Five. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Shakespeare. Music, when soft voices die. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by P. Shelly. When Whispering Strains. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No data. Note: words by William Strode (1602-1645). Come Sleep. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Beaumont and Fletcher. Madrigal for 5 voices. Vocal score. No date. Note: words form Beaumont and Fletcher. Madrigal The complaint of a deserted lover. Vocal Score. Dated July 18th 1891, Cambridge. Note: words by Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542) Farewell to Arms. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by George Peele. Song for a dance. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words from Francis Beaumonts Masque of the inner temple. The Whispering Waves. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by P. Shelley. As the moons soft splendour. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by P. Shelley. Albert Graemes song-It was an English ladye bright. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated July 18th 1899. Note: words Sir W Scott. Song If thou art sleeping maiden. Vocal score. Dated May 1888, Cambridge. Note: words by Longfellow. Madrigal for 5 voices Slow, slow fresh fount. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Ben Jonson. Won a prize in 1888. Song Sailors so young. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words taken from accompanying newspaper cutting. A Womens love. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Shakespeare. Won a prize in 1893. There comes a new moon. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Charles Dickens. The Nymphs Fawn. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Andrew Marvell (1621-1678). To the troubler of the world. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 1914. Note: words by W. Watson. Fain would I change that mote. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words anon. (1605). To music. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Campion. Labelled Y B P 1921. Hero and Leander. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated January 18th 1892. Note: words by Thomas Moore. Madrigal for 5 voices where comes my love. Vocal Score. Dated July 17th 1891. Note: words by J. Harrington (1550). A song of olden time. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment and copy of words. No date. Note: words by Thomas Moore. Score copied out by Woddington. Madrigal for 4 voices Love farewell. Vocal Score. Dated 14th April 1888. Note: words by Robert, Earl of Sussex circa 1599. A message to Phyllis. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by T. Heywood. Envelope 42 The summer birds. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by G Dailey. Labelled Y.B.P.1919. No surrender. Vocal Score. No date. Note: words by Martin Tupper?. Labelled YBP 1919. Courage. Vocal score. No date. Note: words by Martin Tupper? Labelled Y.B.P. 1919 Roudel. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words translated from the French by H.W. Longfellow. Labelled Y B P 1921. Song What is a day. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Thomas Campion. The Russian Lover. Vocal Score. No date. Note: labelled Y B P 1922. Song When thou art nigh. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Not dated. Note: words by Thomas Moore. Labelled Y B P 1927. The Blossom. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by William Blake. Labelled Y P B 1926. Nights of music. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Thomas Moore. The girl I left behind me. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y B P 1925. O Mistress Mine. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 14th March 1885. Note: words by Shakespeare. Counsel to Girls. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by R. Herrick. The Flower of beauty. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by George Darly? Hark: Hark! The soft bugle. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Griffin. Song V Young men will love thee more fair and more fast. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 26th July 1888, Armagh. Note: words by Sir W Scott. Song VI Under the Greenwood tree. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated July 31st 1888, Armagh. Note: words by Shakespeare. The Burning Babe. Vocal Score. Dated December 1920. Note: words by Robert Southwell (1560-1598). Labelled Y B P 1926. Song IV Evening. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date as incomplete (i.e. no last page). Note: words by John Fletcher. La Filense? Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 20th October 1888. Note: words by Julian Fa-e? Shows and nightly revels. Vocal score. No date. Note: words by T Campion. O Rourkes noble face. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words translated from the Irish by Dean Swift. Labelled Y B P 1927. Three Scottish melodies. Vocal score. No date. Note: labelled Y B P 1927. Song That time of year No date. Note: appears incomplete, possibly part of another manuscript. II Fair daffodils. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated 23rd July 1888. Note: words by R Herrick. I How the bright morning star. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated July 31st 1888. Note: words John Milton. Echo. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: labelled Y B P 1909. Words by Heley. Song Fight, brothers, fight. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. Dated August 1888? Note: appears incomplete, may be part of another manuscript. Oh! Those alone. Vocal Score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words translated from the Italian by Mrs Hemans. One page of musical manuscript labelled page 15, separated from original score. One page of musical manuscript, words splendour filled with joys to sweet to last separated from original score. Dated 1898. A letter and two cards regarding the publishing and royalties of Rose Cheeked Laura and And we must part. Envelope 43 Grace Anthem for Ascension Day. Vocal score. Dated 29th April 1899. Canon. Vocal Score. Dated 2/3/86. Anthem Behold now praise the Lord. Vocal Score. No date. 1st movement of a sonata in G minor for violin and piano. Score. No date. Note: typed note identifies piece as a student work from approx. 1884. 84th Psalm based on psalm tune Bedford. Score. Dated 1886. Note: student work, written as an exercise in applied strict counterpoint. Piece for string. Score for string quartet. No date. Scherzo. Score for string quartet. No date. Quartet Andante in D. Score for string quartet. 1st movement of a string quartet in A minor. Score. Dated 3rd April 1883. Note: accompanying note identifies piece as schoolboy work with corrections possibly by Stanford. Verses from psalm 23 for voice and orchestra. Score. No date. Note: accompanying note suggests piece may date from 1882/3, a schoolboy piece. Piano sonata in G minor. Score. 27/7/1882. Note: accompanying note suggests piece was written when Wood was a schoolboy. Sonata in D minor. Score for violin and piano. Dated 1882. Note: accompanying note places Wood as a schoolboy in Armagh and suggests that corrections may be Stanford. The meeting of the waters with variations. Score for violin and piano. Dated 13th October 1982. Note: accompanying note identifies piece as a schoolboy work and last page as later work. Fugue for pianoforte. Score. Dated 1st September 1982. Note: accompanying note identifies piece as a schoolboy work. One page of manuscript identified by accompanying note as an unpublished version of Oculi Omnium. Dated 31st December 1886. Envelope 44 Correspondence from Mrs Wood to J.M. Tatton, 1926-40. In chronological order. Envelope 45 Septet for clarinet, bassoon, horn and string. Score and parts (some missing.) Dated 1889. Letter from Boosey declining to publish Septet. Envelope 46 March for the Royal Corps of Signals. Score and piano arrangement. No date Quick March. Score. Dated 15th March 1896. Letter from the war office returning a copy of the march to Mrs Wood. Envelope 47 O saviour of the world. String parts. No date. Envelope 48 Dirge for two Vetrans. Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Walt Whitman. Envelope 49 Mass in F for four voices and organ. Multiple copies of vocal score. No date, Cambridge. Note: written on request of S.P.W. Envelope 50. Duplications and Sketches Follow follow! and Rose Cheeked Laura (words by Campion). Canatata Springs Summons. (Graves) Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in E major. What pleasure have great Princes (Bird) and Sleep (Fletcher) Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis on melodies from Piae Cantiones. Song in a Cornfield (C. Rossetti) Canonic hymn tunes and melodic fragments. Gloria VIII tone (note: refers to S. Scheidt) Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis based on metrical psalm tunes. Psalms CVIV, CXII and CXXXII. Nicene Creed and canonic contrapuntal fragments. Credo in C minor. Varied harmonies and accompaniment to no. 203, Songs of Syon, and instrumental fragments. Out of my souls depth (Campion) and Never Weather beaten sail and Author of light revive my dying spirit. Short score of Come again my sweet love (Dowland) and What is a day (Campion) and instrumental fragments. Parts of a male voice cantata and cantata Music - an ode. Organ fragments. Fragments of Benedictus and Jubilate in A flat Major. Song for a dance, O those alone, folk tune fragment. Short score of And we must part (Callanan) and The Solitary Reaper (Wordsworth) Another Short score of The Solitary Reaper and And we must part. Chant fragments The sack of Baltimore (T. Davis) Maid Marions song (G. Darley) Instrumental fragments. Includes final of the string quartet in F and motet based on Or soit loue leternelle from Songs of Syon. Piae cantiones and short score sketches for string quartet. Follow your saint (Campion), Love me or not (Campion), In Sherwood lived stout Robin Hood (Jones) and Peaceful Western Wind (Campion) Envelope 51. Duplications and Sketches Canonic hymn tunes, Hark how all the welkin rings (words by Wesley) and While Shephards watched. Neptunes Empire (Campion), In Sherwood lived stout Robin Hood and Let thy loving mercy come also unto me O Lord A Scene from Pickwick Sho-ho Cantata (labelled Simon and Susan) String quartet in G minor, hymn tune in F major. Lords prayer. Nicone creed. Harmonisation of metrical psalm tunes XXV. XCIII, XXVII, LVIII, LVII, XIVI, XLIX, L, LVII and CXXIV. Te Deum in C major. Along the ocean wave and The lasses of Droghadee. Molly Asthoreen and Dan-Dan Dan-Dan and Molly Asthoreen Three childrens songs: What is pink, Boats sail on the rivers and Mix a pancake (C. Rossetti) Pat in Fairyland Unidentified fragments. To music bent, When to her lute To his sweet lute(all Campion) Angus Dei and Blessed is he that cometh Unidentified fragments Take, o take those lips away There be none of beautys daughter (Byron) Thy mercy, O lord and canon. I was wishful hed stay and Hymn Heaven (Taylor) Hymn tunes. Short score for A clear midnight , prelude for the organ on the Old 100th, How sleep the brave (Moore) and canon. Nights of gladness (Moore), Cello solo in Eb major. Triolet (Bridges), instrumental Fragments. O Gladsome Light, O Grace (Bridges) Envelope 52. Sketches and Fragments I tell thee Dick (Suckling), Instrumental fragments and arr. for Joyce no. 695 The Banks of Ahsnagh, The flower of beauty and Hark, hark, the soft bugle. Unidentified two part song and fragments of string quartets. The yule log, A Christmas bell (both Longfellow) and There is a flower O Gladsome Light (Longfellow) Hymn tune for no 69 Songs of Syon and Finita, jam sunt praelia Te Deum and Jubilate. Unidentified song, organ accompaniment for Jesu the very thought is sweet and City of God. Carol tune for Here comes holly that is so gent Golden Slumbers (Dekker) and O lovely voices of the sky (Henmans) and Te Deum. For the beauty of the earth Lo when back mine eye, View my Lord a work of thine, Come, let us sound with the melody praises, Seek the Lord and in his ways preserve, Sing a song of joy, Out of my souls death, Tune thy music to thy heart. Benedictus in D major. Unpublished settings. Benedictus Benedictus Ab major. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. God omnipotent reigneth Magnificat and unidentified folk tune Unknown air for violin and piano Behold the worlds great wonder the evening star arise Unidentified instrumental fragment. Gloria and Come rock the cradle oer him Folk dance, You who the name of Jesus bare Magnificat VIII tone Out of my souls death (Campion) Envelope 53. Sketches and Fragments Walk in the light (Barton), Crown of glory The sea singer, The boatman of Kinsale Jesus, kindest shepherd and The fairy queen of may O Most Merciful and I have a horse Bach Hymn tunes Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, hymn tune. The boatman of Kinsale A chieftain to the highland bound, While grazing on the moons light, At the mid hour of night, O lovely maid of Broka, and O wheres the slave so lowly Gloria in G Benedictus in G and Magnificat in G. Joyce 42 (Long time I courted you miss). Sicut in principio (Scheidt) Anthem View me Lord (Campion) Harmonisation of the Lords Prayer Ah! That sighs that come fro my heart, A hunting we will go, O springs a pleasant time, Songs of Scotland, Oer the valley (Darley) Canonic psalm tune prelude for organ. The maid of Garyowen, Mary the miller and The Drinaun Dhu Among the heather, Song of an island fisherman, The red haired mans wife and St. Stephans night The Foresters, fragments Hymn to pan and fugal sketches for String Quartet Joyce 373 (Captain Rock), Hymn tunes. Joyce 595 (Pegg was mistress of my heart), Joyce 762 (The death of my pony), Joyce 498 (the green shady glen), Joyce 595, Te Deum in A major Fragments Joyce 331 (A B---- valley love song), Joyce 774 (Death of Padric), Shamus ONeill Fragment String trio Unidentified instrumental and vocal work. Unidentified song Fragments and Gloria in G Gibbons song 1 Original hymn tunes in C and G major. Fragments. Hymn tune in Bb major, prelude for organ, variations for organ in Eb Night and death, Resignation, Magnificat Envelope 54. Sketches Sketches for Pat in fairyland. Chorale prelude for organ based on the Passion Chorale, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major. To all my heart this night rejoices Gloria and Benedictus in D major, responses to the commandments and Gloria in G major. No. 201 a & b from Songs of Syon Darkest night the land doth cover Nicene Creed and fragment. Part song. Magnificat in E major, a canticle, fragments. Gaudete, Gaudete, The dead clonmacnoise and Magnificat in A major. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A major. Te Deum in Phrygian mode based on settings by Schein and Bach. Harmonisation of a Gloria Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in E minor. Envelope 55. Sketches Anthem Be thou exalted Lord. Tis the day of Resurrection, hymn tune in D major and fragments. Tis the day of Resurrection Grace anthem for commemoration days at ²ʿ and Caius College. Vocal score. Dated 4th December 1890 Three Anthems. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. O lord rebuke me not vocal score. Te Deum in G major and Newcastle fair Sanctus and Benedictus in C minor, Fragments, Chant in A minor A Part song, Kyrie, hymn tune, chant When shall I come to hear the angel song I will lay me down in peace, hymn tune, instrumental fragments. Organ variations on Winchester old, chants, canonic pieces Come unto these yellow sands (Shakespeare), chants, fragments. I will lay me down in peace, A song of olden time and organ fragments Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G, Joyce 22, Magnificat in Eb Behold now praise the Lord and Nunc Dimittis in G major. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C major. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. Vocal score with organ accompaniment. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in Ab Vocal score with organ accompaniment. Haec Dies. Vocal score. Envelope 56. String quartet sketches Movement of a string quartet in Bb major. Movement of a string quartet in D minor. Fragments of finale of string quartet in A minor. Fragments of movement of string quartet in C major. Opening of first movement of string quartet in F. Opening of slow movement of string quartet in A minor. Envelope 57. Sketches Te Deum, anthem based on psalm tune out of the deep and Bow down thine ear. Te Deum and Benedictus in C major. Kyrie in C minor. Curley Locks, Contented I am and Kathleen O more Ascension hymn, and a jig. Lords prayer, Magnificat and Lullaby for an infant child Benedictus in Ab Unidentified fragments. Fragments including Magnificat, Joyce 641, Were my love as some mens are and Follow thy fair sun (Campion) See the dawn (Moore) Irish Molly-O Be merry, be merry, In numbers we are but few, There is a flower Lovely voices of the sky, Christmas day, All my heart this night rejoiced, O lovely voices of the sky, New prince, new pomp, k Joyce 417 (The lake of Coolfin) and Oh the marriage An introit and The sea singer The wild geese, Kate of Garnaville, The marriage and The Foresters complaint Irish dance founded on Joyce 595 and 762, Irish dance founded on Joyce 708. The High-Caul cap and an unidentified folk tune The bonny blue handkerchief and Herself and myself Herself and myself Lincoln New Farewell to arms, Sleep, hymn tune and part song. If I hope I fear (Campion) Paty OToole Envelope 58. Sketches Unidentified folk tune and The little boy from Bally-Lean Hymn tune (Coleridge?), Hymn tune for a verse from wind in the willows and a carol Nunc Dimittis, This joyful Easter tide, Newcastle fair and Its nae the cold wind Unidentified poem setting, Angus Dei and Dona Nobis Song of Syon 407 arrangement The peaceful Western Wind, Jack and Joan and Quoth Joan to Joan (Campion) O Lord! That seest from yon starry height Hymn tunes Cathleen and The Sign Te Deum and Behold a silly tender babe Almighty King, whose wondrous hand, God had built the mountains and hymn tunes. Gloria from communion service in C minor Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G minor. Melodies for Joyce 105, Joyce 106, Joyce 344, Graves 54 and 16. Olivers advice, His home and his own country and Song of an island fisherman Kathleen OMore and Song of an island fisherman My Connor and Draheria O Machree The red haired mans wife and The Drihnan Dhu Organ fugue in D major, My love wrote me a letter and orchestral fragment Hymn tune and an unidentified fragment Variations for organ based on 72nd psalm tune and Minding Mary I heard a voice from heaven Who would true valour see, A charge to keep I have, God of our fathers, The saint who first found grace to pen, For the beauty of the earth, Happy are they who love God, Once to every man and Nation, The Lamb (Blake), O captain, my captain (Whitman), O many the day have I made good ale in the glen, Captain, my captain and choral prelude for organ. Envelope 59. Sketches Organ fugue in D minor. Fugue in a chorale for organ. Theme and variations for organ and Music, an ode Slow movement of string quartet in A minor and other fragments Doesnt Exist Set of instrumental parts for 5 Schubert Valses. Unfinished original piece for violin and piano. Parts 1 and 2 of the cello sonata in G. Irish dance based on the harmless cow, hop jig and black bush and fragments for string. Irish dance for violin and piano based on Joyce 201, 447 (the nine points of knavery) and Irish dance for violin and piano. Jig for violin and piano based on Joyce 829 and 831 (bang up and Tumble the jug) and Planxty based on Joyce 586 and 587. Two Irish dances for violin and piano Irish dance for violin and piano based on Joyce 231 (The dew on the grass) and Joyce 231 (Sho-ho lullaby), Irish dance for violin and piano based on Joyce 27 (The silverman) and Joyce 39 (And I am on) and Sho-ho lullaby Fragments for string quartet and cello and piano. Violin part of a trio in c. Example of handwriting of Rev Dr. G. R. Woodward. Symphonic fragment in C minor. Symphonic fragment in D major Symphonic fragment in F major. By The North Sea Cantata. Envelope 60. Traditional Irish folk songs for string quartet (in short score) The convict of Van Deimans land, Early in the morning and The girl I left behind me The tinkers wife Unidentified folk melody Joyce 798-The Violet Andante, Petrie 103 and Petrie 38 Fare thee well, sweet Killaloe, Brightness of my heart, Dear Aileen, Im going to leave you and The Merchant from Erin Newry Mountain Irish cry, Bring home the bride, Irish Dance, Joyce 737-Ill go home and tell my mother, Pigot collection 782-The cow behind the haycock and 737-Burns dream Joyce 520-The honours of Ballincrchan, Joyce 521-The masons march and unfinished hymn tunes. Joyce 749, Unidentified folk tune, Joyce 430-The little purse of money, Joyce 731-Ormandeos Lament and unidentified fragment. Joyce 335-The breeze from Scotland will bring my love, Joyce 362-The young mans lamentation and fragments. Joyce 316-The songs of the blackbird and Holly carol Joyce 686-Theres whiskey in the jar, Joyce 494-The rambling labourer and Joyce 615-I oft hear my grandmother say Joyce 282-Jig and Song air Miscellaneous Envelope 61 2 copies of Charles Wood String Quartet in D minor, Oxford University Press. 2 copies of Charles Wood String Quartet in G minor, Oxford University Press. 2 copies of Charles Wood Variations on an Irish Folk Tune, Oxford University Press. Envelope 62 2 copies of Charles Wood String Quartet in F major, Oxford University Press. 2 copies of Charles Wood String Quartet in A minor, Oxford University Press. 2 copies of Charles Wood String Quartet in Eb (Harrogate), Oxford University Press. Envelope 63 Unbound gatherings from: Eight String Quartets by Charles Wood. London, Oxford University Press. Envelope 64 Photograph of C. Wood and accompanying letter. Envelope 65 Manuscript piece headed Ps. CX & CXXXI Almighty and most merciful father. Vocal score. Headed choir. Manuscript page headed Ps. XXVI, Manuscript page headed Ps. CXXXVII Manuscript piece headed Ps. XII Manuscript page headed Ps. XCVI Manuscript page headed The cuckoo Manuscript piece headed Ps. XXVI Torn manuscript piece, no heading Manuscript page with numbers Manuscript piece headed J---? Canon Manuscript page O all ye works of the Lord, headed J F---? Manuscript piece headed Joyce 251, The B---xded Cow. Manuscript page headed Gibbon, O well in thee. Manuscript page, no heading or words. Manuscript page, numbered 1 to 12. Manuscript page, no heading, words full of death and labelled 5 part, 4 part. Manuscript page, on which is written carry out f---1 psalm 1 Manuscript piece, 5 bars. Manuscript page, blank. Manuscript page, no heading or words Manuscript page with red writing. Manuscript page headed Fugue by Ernest Eberlin Manuscript page, no writing, full on both sides Manuscript piece, The green shady glen Joyce 498 Modal Communion Service Fragments and letter (part) from G.R. Woodward? Envelope 66 Printed copy of the hymn Heaven, London: Novello and company limited. Note paper entitled Mrs Hemans p 333 The angels greeting. A letter from Fiona Blackburn regarding the return of the score of a part song. An envelope addressed to Mrs Wood containing the piano part of concerto. Note paper entitled Mrs Hemans p 296 Christmas Carol True loves the gift which God has given Vocal score with pianoforte accompaniment. No date. Note: words by Walter Scott. Original sorting of envelopes, list by G E Palmer. Tell us ye Shepherds. Printed score and words. Envelope 67 Catalogue of the works of Charles Wood. Envelope 68 A book, Goss Harmony, in which have been placed many untitled or headed pieces of musical manuscript and a letter from Mr. Woodward to a Mr. Tatton. A book of manuscript entitled Music containing handwritten psalms and named as the property of Mr. Woodward. Envelope 69 Music, an Ode. Bound Orchestral and vocal score. No date. Note: words by A.C. Swinburne. Published by Stainer and Bell in 1893 and gifted by Stainer and Bell in 1983. Bound volumes The Travelling Companion. Full score dated 1923 and presented by the ²ʿ and Caius Music Society to Wood to mark his being elected to the Chair of Music at the University in 1924. Donated (see accompanying letter) by Miss Catherine Wood in September 1940. Mozarts Requiem Full score presented to Wood in December 1891 by the Cambridge University Music Society. Donated by the Royal College of Music, London, November 2013. Note: the initials SPW, appearing intermittently in the above, may refer to Sidney [sometimes given as Sydney] Peine Waddington, fellow composition student and life-long friend. References to him appear in Copleys biography of Wood. April 2018     PAGE  PAGE 25 $%&5WXD E F P Q R X       ! " # = U X l    - . d {   . 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