
Professor Richard Smith FBA

  • College positions:
    Emeritus Fellow in Economics
  • University positions:
    Professor Emeritus of Econometric Theory and Economic Statistics
    Former Chair of the Faculty of Economics
  • Subjects: Economics


BA, MA, PhD, Sc.D in Economics (University of Cambridge), MA in Economics (University of Essex)

Awards and prizes

C. Stat. Fellow of the Econometric Society. Fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics. Honorary Professor University College London. Honorary Professorial Fellow University of Melbourne. Econometric Theory Advisory Board. Leverhulme Major Research Fellow (2003-6). Honorary Professor University of Warwick (2008-13). Econometric Theory Plura Scripsit (2011). Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics. Managing Editor The Econometrics Journal 2007-17. Academic Co-Director Office for National Statistics Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence 2016-19.

Other positions

Chair British Academy Section S2 Economics and Economic History

Visiting Professor University College London

Governor National Institute of Economic and Social Research

Centre Fellow Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice UCL and IFS

Fellow National Institute for Economic and Social Research

Research interests

Econometric Theory. Estimation and Inference in Econometrics. Hypothesis Testing. Model Selection. Publications include Biometrika, Econometrica, Econometric Theory, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Review of Economic Studies.

Teaching interests

Econometrics. Economic Statistics.

Other interests

Fell Walking; Manchester United FC; MUST; FC United of Manchester; Modernist Architecture; Theatre; Cinema.
