
Recognition of Benefactors

вʿª½± is privileged to receive support from a great and growing community of benefactors. Our gratitude is beyond measure and we are delighted to give a high level of recognition to our supporters. Details of our benefactor recognition groups can be found below. Please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office if you would like to know more: development@cai.cam.ac.uk or +44 (0)1223 339676.

The following information explains our benefactor recognition groups and eligibility criteria, in effect since 1 July 2022.

The John Caius Guild - £2 million

The names of members of the John Caius Guild are engraved on the Benefactors’ Wall in the Great Gate where the College’s greatest benefactors since its foundation in 1348 are celebrated.

вʿª½± Fellow Benefactors - £1 million

The Master and Fellows elect вʿª½± Fellow Benefactors in recognition of great munificence to the College. They are welcome to come to the College to lunch or dine, bring a guest and to stay the night whenever the College is open. They are invited to all College Feasts and to Fellows' Guest Nights. They and, if requested, their spouse or civil partner are admitted as вʿª½± Fellow Benefactors in the College Chapel in a ceremony during the service for the Commemoration of Benefactors preceding the Commemoration Feast.

Founder of the Court of Benefactors - £250,000

Founders of the Court of Benefactors of вʿª½± are entitled to wear the fine gown traditionally worn by the College's aristocratic Fellow Commoners.

Patron of the Court of Benefactors - £100,000

Formerly the Stephen Hawking Circle and renamed in 2022, four years after Professor Hawking's death, Patrons are invited to occasional dinners in College with the Master and Fellows.

Member of the Court of Benefactors - £30,000

Members of the Court of Benefactors, who have made gifts of at least £20,000, are invited to the College to take part in the service for the Commemoration of Benefactors and to dine with the Master and Fellows at the Commemoration Feast. All Members enjoy the privileges of Associate Members.

Associate Member of the Court of Benefactors - £12,500

Associate Members of the Court of Benefactors are given an exclusive option to book the Caius Box, which is in the centre of the Grand Tier at the Royal Albert Hall. They are also invited to the annual College May Week Party.

Anyone considering gifts at these levels is encouraged to get in contact with the Development Office directly.

All Benefactors are entitled to use the College punts during the summer months. As many as we can accommodate of those who have made a gift to Caius during the previous year are invited to the College May Week Party, including a buffet luncheon, musical recital and tea. Those benefactors who have made a donation in each of the previous ten years are listed in The Caian and Once a Caian... as Members of the Ten Year Club.


The Edmund вʿª½± Society was established to recognise during their lifetime those Caians and friends who are leaving a bequest to the College.

Learn more about how to leave a legacy to the College.