
Caius Club

The Caius Club was founded over one hundred years ago to sponsor activities for friends of the College, and to "include any Caian who wishes to maintain links with the College and its past and present members".

The founding dinner was held in a famous London restaurant, Oddenino's, now the UK headquarters of Pringles (woollies not crisps!).

Each year we hold a dinner in College during the Easter Vacation, an informal event on the last day of the May Bumps, and a dinner at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in London in October, all with the aim of bringing together old friends and hopefully to forge new friendships too.

The Cambridge Dinner

The Cambridge Dinner usually takes place near the Easter break each year. This year's Cambridge Dinner was held on Saturday 23 March. 

Caians from all eras are invited to come along, bringing their partners if they wish. The dress code is black tie (dinner jackets). It follows the style of a formal College dinner (four courses with wines), often with a guest speaker and a senior member of the College present to recount recent highlights from the undergraduate world.

There are rooms available for overnight stays in College and on the West Road site, and a limited number of car parking spaces available which are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

May Bumps

Usually held on the middle Saturday in June, the last day of the May Bumps sees Caians old and young flocking to the banks of the Cam at Fen Ditton to cheer on our crews.

The Caius Club joins forces with the Boat Club to provide much sought-after car parking in Caius Meadow, and a space for Caians to watch the races with friends and family. Some people bring a picnic, many come straight down to the river from the  in College. The Boat Club hosts a drinks stall and everyone keeps their fingers crossed for fine weather and winning crews.

You can book parking on Caius Meadow for the May Bumps.These charges go towards the cost to the Club of providing facilities on the meadow for the day.

London Dinner

It has become a tradition for the Caius Club to hold an autumn dinner at the Oxford & Cambridge Club on Pall Mall. It is a formal affair – black tie, champagne reception and a three course dinner – but with a very relaxed feel. 

How to gain Membership to the Caius Club

Membership is available to all Caians.

Since 2007 all students are automatically enrolled during their first year of residence. 

If you matriculated before 2007, you will have to pay a one-off life membership of £5. You are prompted to do this when you sign up for an event.

Committee Members & Contacts

  • Catherine Lister (1985 as Catherine Holden) - Chairman & Treasurer
  • George Budden (1984)
  • Alexis Goddard (1983)
  • Simon Morris (1976)
  • Lizzie Aylard (2004)
  • Chris Aylard (2002)

General Enquiries/Volunteers: HonSecCaiusClub@cantab.net

Annual Dinners : catherinelister@me.com